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Bajram Serif Mubarek Olsun
K.E.S. Perun-va on 09/20/2009 at 9:11am (UTC) | | U ime Clanova kluba ekstremnih sportova svim pripadnicima islamske vjeroispovijesti Bajram Serif Mubarek Olsun | | |
Iz Programa radio Bobovca
J.Cupka on 09/15/2009 at 3:55pm (UTC) | |
Postavljen je link iz programa radio Bobovca , Razgovor sa Valentinom Sileo | | |
Ucimo od Drugih
J.Cupka on 09/15/2009 at 6:39am (UTC) | | Evo jedan mali link projekta obnove Planinarskog Doma.
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Iz Programa Radio Bobovca
J.Cupka on 09/02/2009 at 2:05pm (UTC) | |
Postavljen je link na stranici iz programa Radio Bobovca o Klubu.Ugodno slusanje. | | |
Putnici namjernici
D.Jozic on 09/02/2009 at 1:22pm (UTC) | |
U subotu 29.08.2009 negdje oko 18 00 kiša je padala ko iz kabla, sa ženom sam malo odmarao od pečenja pekmeza kojeg smo nekih dva sata prije završili.
Zdenko šumar me zove na mobitel, kaže evo neki turisti englezi sa biciklima tu pod lipama, oćeš ih primit na konak. Mi mislili neka zezancija, šumar se inače jako voli zezat;)
Reko ajd dovedi ih. Kad ono stvarno, par trenutaka poslije banuše nam trojica Poljaka koji pričaju Engleski;) na vrata. A nas dvoje nismo mogli sebi doć, kuća u neredu, mi umorni, uspavani, po seljački odjenuti, ma znaš ono slika ko iz prijeratnih filmova;) I štaš, čim su oni banuli, istog trena smo se i razbudili, Branka iznosi rakiju, pa mezu, pa kolače, pa sarmu, konta ono pa sigurno su gladni, ne tražimo mi ni putovnice da im provjerimo indetitet ni ništa... Mali Nikola i Ana naši mladi susjedi donijeli im pečeni kukuruz, pitaju se s njima na dječijem engleskom, slušaju njihove putešestvije. Ovi sebi nisu mogli doć, čisto im neugodno, njihov plan je bio samo da im damo ključeve od seoskog doma, prespavali bi oni na podu.
Štaš nema se para, kriza. Al Branka ni da čuje, pa gdje ćete na betonu spavat, jeste ludi, ma ni govora...I tako ti mi u priču, oni ti putuju iz Poljske na biciklima, nakanili su do Dubrovnika koji im je krajnji cilj, izbjegavaju glavne ceste, voze preko planina i sporednim putevima, pa su tako valjda i nabasali na Ivančevo.
Večerali ljudi, prespavali, išli slijedeći dan s nama na misu, pa nazad na selo, pa za Sarajevo, preko Sarajeva idu za Mostar, pa Dubrovnik.
Zadnji dan prije njihova polaska baka Mićinica, inače naša susjeda im poklonila pletene pape, mi im dali soka, pekmeza eto da im se nađe usput.
O ovome svemu, njihovom putovanju, te njihovim dojmovima ćete čut kad mi pošalju pisani dio onoga što su doživjeli.
Tek sad znam da se radilo o izuzetno utjecajnim i bogatim ljudima, jedan posjeduje tvornicu i bavi se proizvodnjom odjeće ima 54god. drugi je odvjetnik 36god. treći je student prava 25 god. Odlučili su napravit taj put te ne spavat po hotelima, čisto iz razloga da bi vidjeli kakvi su ljudi, te da li još vrijedi ona prijeratna da se ne brineš gdje ćeš leć, da provjere jeli novac taj koji sva vrata otvara, dali je moguće prevaliti toliki put bez njega??? To su bila njihova pitanja na koja su željeli naći odgovor???
I nebi vjerovali ali od graničnog prijelaza Orašje pa sve do nas, tijekom cijelog tog puta su nailazili na dobre ljude, negativna iskustva nisu imali, neko bi im prepustio svoju baštu da kampuju u njoj a neko bi ih pozvo i u kuću. Stvari su se drastičnije počele mijenjat od Krivaje, tu su ih zvali i na ručak, noćili su ipak na Krivaji, radi ljepote rijeke, kupanja. etc. a onda su došli kod nas.
Ovime želim samo reći da je cijeli ovaj kraj takav, ljudi su ti koji čine mjesto, i ovdje još uvijek vrijedi ona koju bi moja pokojna baka često rekla, MI NEMORAMO JEST, AL GOSTI NEK IMAJU;)
I baka je bila u pravu, ovo će se nama vratit na sto načina, morali smo im obećat da ćemo ih posjetit u Poljsku, plaćaju nam i put i sve troškove. Reklamirat će maksimalno ovaj kraj svojim prijateljima i poznanicima, vratit će se opet...
A ja samo želim da uživam u ovome podneblju, ovim dobrim ljudima i lijepom krajoliku;)
Ljudi niste ni svjesni šta imate;))
E evo i da ceo svet razume :-)
It was Saturday, August 29, 2009 around 18:00 and it was raining very hard. I was just resting with my wife Branka having finished the baking of the jam-marmalade, approximately two hours ago.
Zdenko, a local forester called me on the phone, and he informed me that some English tourists on the bicycles had arrived under the Linden Trees. Forester Zdenko had also asked us if we were willing to give them a room to sleep over for one night.
We thought he was joking with us, since he always liked to make jokes.
I told him that it was OK to bring the Bicycle Tourists as the guests to our house. And really after a few minutes there came three Polish guys who spoke English fluently. We were very surprised, since our house was a mess; we were tired, sleepy, in a rural dresses, all of which resembled the images seen in the pre-war-old black and white movies. Our dilemma was how to help and accommodate the guests since they suddenly arrived here. Immediately, as we woke up, Branka offered the Tourists the well known home made Sljivovica Rakija, (also known as the Plum Brandy). Immediately afterwards, she served the guests with the smoked meat, Sarma (Cooked Meat and Rice Stuffed Cabbage) and desert-cakes, thinking in the moment that the Bike Tourists were probably hungry,
We did not bother to ask the guests for any passports, IDs, etc. in order to check their Identity. Nikola and Ana, our young neighbours brought to them the baked corn, while having conversation utilizing their children-styled- English and listening to the tales about tourist’s bike trip odyssey. They could not believe our hospitality and I saw that they felt a little bit uncomfortable since their plan was just to give them the keys to the rural home, so that they can sleep on the floor.
In the moment one thought crossed my mind, a troubling thought that they had no money and they were in the financial and resource-supply crisis. But Branka did not want to hear the proposition, that the tired guests were going to sleep on the cold concrete floor, and to that effect she was saying; were you crazy, no way ...
Suddenly the guests began their interesting and colourful story by saying that they had been travelling on bikes all the way from their native-home country Poland with Dubrovnik being planned as their final destination. Then their story continued by saying that they had been consciously trying to avoid the main roads, and to ride the three bikes through the mountains, secondary and tertiary non-paved (macadam) roads. This explained, how they probably from all places on this planet earth, arrived to our scenic and dear Ivancevo. Last day before their departure, Mićinica grandmother, our next door neighbour, kindly gave a knitted pair of wool socks as a gift, while Branka and I gave them a home made marmalade-jam and juice in order to keep them healthy and strong along the way to Dubrovnik.
They had a dinner with us and afterwards slept like a babies in the clean Ivancevo air. The next day they woke up diligently early to attend the Holly Mass with us, after which they returned to the village in order to continue their trip to Sarajevo, from Sarajevo to Mostar and finally to Dubrovnik.
We will find out more details about all of their impressions, on the remaining part of their journey ,when our new friends from Poland arrive and settle at home and send to us the written part of what they experienced next.
Only now we realized that our Bike Tourist Guest from Poland were extremely influential and rich people. The oldest of three guests was 54 and he was the owner of one clothing producing factory. The second one was a 36 years old lawyer, while the third one was 25 years old law student. These three adventurous friends decided to embark on this interesting journey, along which, they decided not to sleep in the hotels, purely for reasons to see what kind of people they will encounter along the way.
Following that philosophy they wanted to see whether the old, pre-war saying of the possibility that the stranger could sleep carelessly in any park in the Balkans still applies? They did not worry as to where they were going to sleep, while at the same time they were verifying if the money was still the factor, which kept all doors open? Was it possible to travel all the way from Poland to Dubrovnik without the magical influence of the money? These were some of the biker’s questions for which they wanted to find an answer to?
But in a rather unbelievable turn of the events, starting from the border crossing on Sava at Orašje, while biking all the way to Ivancevo, they have encountered good people and to everybody’s surprise they had no negative experiences. During their trip some of their stranger hosts would willingly relinquish their gardens to allow them space for camping and many people had invited them to be guests in their houses.
Things have started changing drastically from the Krivaja River, along which people would invite them over to lunch, but they wanted to spend the nights at the Krivaja River, because of its beautiful and clean water that is great for swimming. And, this is how then they eventually biked their way through to Ivancevo.
Hereby I want to say, that this entire region is a stranger friendly region, and the people who reside in this region are the ones who make these places the way they are. Biker’s experiences show that the saying of my late grandmother still holds true, when she would often say, WE DON’T HAVE TO EAT, AS LONG AS OUR GUESTS HAVE SOMETHING TO EAT.
And late Grandma was right, this act of kindness and hospitality will return to us in a hundred different positive blessings, ways, shapes and forms. In the end, we had to promise our sudden biking adventurers-friends that we will visit them in Poland; and they in turn promised that they will pay us all the travelling costs. They will advertise the beauty and hospitability of Ivancevo and its people to their friends and acquaintances, and God Willing they shall return again...
And I just want to enjoy in this environment, with these good people and beautiful scenery.
People who live here are not even aware of what they have ;)) | | |
Tour 2 Vares
J.Cupka on 09/01/2009 at 8:31am (UTC) | |
Svako treba jos jednom spomenuti dogadaj koji je obiljezio polovinu ove godine.A to je dolazak biciklista iz Nizozemske u Vares.I docek ispred predstavnika kluba mnogobrojnih gradjana i Opcinskih vlasti.
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